The Real Me

The Real Me

Friday, February 13, 2015

Birthday Love...

Tuesday, Feb. 10.  Woke up with the cold from h**l.  No party for this birthday gal.

8:30 am.  Check email and Facebook.  WHAT?!  NO birthday greetings??? Do my friends not love me anymore?

8:59 am.  Phone rings. "Happy Birthday, Mama! How's your day so far?"

"Thank you, Anna, but so far you're the only one I've heard from.  I don't understand.  Usually Facebook is the most awesome thing on my birthday, but there's nothing yet - not a single person has wished me a happy birthday.  Not feelin' the love today."

"It'll get better Mom.  I promise."

Phone call ended, I go back to the computer.  Occurs to me to check the privacy settings.  Well, duh, I had my birthday info blocked.  Have to Google around a bit to figure out how to fix it (not sure who I love more - Google or Siri - can find the answer to ANYTHING!).  Open the privacy floodgates and whammo...

9:32am.  They start POURING in!  WHEEE!  My friends DO still love me!

Yes, that was the way my birthday began.  Kinda lame.  But I gotta say - in the next 12 hours - over 100 friends, co-workers, ex-boyfriends, elementary school buddies, former everybody's... they logged in to say happy birthday!  Over 100!!!!!!  Say what you will about Facebook, but on my birthday, it absolutely rocks.

I'm a bit of a sap when it comes to birthdays.  Love to celebrate others... and cherish the day personally.  I've thrown successful surprise parties for others, and house gatherings for myself.  Another year older - it's time to celebrate, not grump about growing older.  I'm grateful to be here, and to be surrounded by the love of so many with whom I get to share the journey.

This year was different (go back to that cold from h**l thing) so I spent the evening alone, in front of the fireplace, working on my novel - which a literary wise woman recently corrected me to say I need to stop calling it MY novel and call it by name - so let me say - ahem - clear my throat and speak it proudly - I spent the evening in my LazyBoy in front of the fire working on THE novel - Lying Out Loud.  And it ended up being a lovely night.  Had barbecue ribs and chocolate chip cookies for dinner (yes, seriously - no salad or sides - just ribs and home made cookies!) - Rosie the wonder dog at my side and Dora the daring cat on my lap - here in my cozy home that I love so much - and it was - yes - SERENE.  Defined the word.

THANK YOU to each and every one of you - the 100+ who took the time to type happy birthday to me this past Tuesday.  THANK YOU to those who picked up the phone to call.  THANK YOU to those who sent me beautiful, thoughtful cards.

EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU brought a smile to my face.  And whether or not you heard it, with each one read, I said thank you, out loud, here in front of my computer screen.

It is said there is a ripple effect for every action we do, good or bad.  The simple act of typing happy birthday - or smiling when passing a stranger on the street - we never know how much it might make a difference in their life.  Never stop saying I love you - or reaching out in whatever way feels right to you at the time.  Life is meant to be celebrated.  It is a gift that is meant to be cherished.

55 years now I've had the privilege of being on this planet, with so many dear ones come and gone.  May each and every one of you know how VERY much I appreciate you... sending warmest hugs of gratitude, smiles, and virtual birthday cake!  I DID feel your love - I DO feel your love - and I send it right back to you!

(yes, that IS me on my first birthday, with my brother Bob looking dapper in his bow tie!)

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